State of the Layer: All Hands – March 31 2015

Fresh after the Texas Bitcoin Conference the Omni All Hands Summary for March 31, 2015:

  • Craig
    1. Texas Bitcoin Conference
      1. Great momentum on Omni from Rivetz, HOPE Gold and others
      2. Patrick & Dave’s team (Leverage Holding) did an awesome hackathon presentation on the futures market
      3. Another group, LivelyGig, wants to make a job token on Omni
    2. Moving Repos from mastercoin-MSC to OmniLayer
    3. Multi-sig Simple Send code added to msc-scripts-n-tricks repo (thanks Adam!)
  • Adam
    1. Assisting HGC with their Omniwallet instance
    2. Working with Tomas on new UI update
    3. Omnicore repo moved/setup
      1. Omniwallet/omniengine migration scheduled for next week
    4. Assisting Factom with some custom tx’s
    5. Updated p2sh simple send script
    6. Moving – offline for week
  • Zathras
    1. Further work on transaction encoding, refactored transaction creation to facilitate new transaction classes and encoding styles – all contribute towards supporting Class C and easier adding of new transaction types
    2. UI to Bitcoin 0.10 progressing well, lots of quirks and things needing to be fixed/rewritten but now basically fully usable for features from
    3. MetaDEx UI ported to Bitcoin 0.10, now the holes and bits that were not completed before we switched gears to STO need to be worked on.
    4. Lots of discussion and looking at MetaDEx
  • Tomás
    1. Rebranding Omniwallet
      1. Exchange Trade Section
        1. Buy/Sell/Overview Pages working
        2. Accept Modal confirm pending.
      2. My Offers Section
        1. Buy/Sell offers diplaying
        2. Send form ready
        3. Cancel Offer functionality and modals pending
      3. Remaining work
        1. Modals layout
        2. About Pages

Previous State of the Layer Posts:

March 24 2015

State of the Layer: All Hands – March 31 2015

TAU-CHAIN – Programmable decentralized P2P network based on ontologies and reasoning

By Judith Jakubovics- BizDev at the Omni Foundation

Dear Omnis

It’s turning out to be another exciting and productive week! The Omni Foundation is privileged to provide a platform to so many innovative projects.  Omni allows for the issuance of Smart Properties and assets on the Bitcoin blockchain, and we like to share some of the leading projects using the platform and protocol.

Today, I would like to introduce TAU CHAIN




“If law-making is a game, then it is a game in which changing the rules is a move.” – Peter Suber presenting Nomic

Tau-chain is a fully decentralized P2P network being a generalization of many centralized and decentralized P2P networks, including the Blockchain. Its interpretations, uses, and consequences are far from being a P2P network only, and include software development, legal, gaming, mathematics and sciences, logic, crypto-economies, social networks, rule-making, democracy and votes, software repositories (like decentralized Github+Appstore/Google Play), decentralized storage, software approval and verification, even “doing your homework in History or Math” in some sense (stronger sense that search engines), and many more aspects.

Tau Chain uses the language of Ontologies to unify the languages of:

  • Knowledge
  • Rules
  • Logic
  • Computer Programs
  • Network Protocols

The Software Client

a) Stores the ontology of local rules

b) Determines the actions using a REASONER


a) Are tools that infer new rules or conclusions based on old ones

b) This is done intelligently, using pure logical reasoning + supply proofs of the                  results.

TAU CHAIN NODE – is therefore, an intelligent agent that is able to communicate with other agents, at the very same language which is human readable.

TAU CHAIN NODE can communicate with other languages, like HTTP, once implemented in RDF.

τ -chain node is an intelligent agent able to communicate with other agents, at the very same language they’re written with, which is quite human-readable. It can communicate with other languages as well, like HTTP, once implemented in RDF.

Screenshot from 2015-03-30 18_43_59

The rules of the network are determined by its users. Conversely, many independent “universes” can be created over τ -chain, that may or may not share τ ’s timestamping. They can also reference to each other, allowing code-reuse: recall that rules are code, since Tau Chain has a unified language. Moreover: it provides an ability to implement Decidable computer programs w

ith RDF, namely DTLC languages rather Turing Complete ones.

The implications τ -chain node is an intelligent agent able to communicate with other agents, at the very same language they’re written with, which is quite human-readable. It can communicate with other languages as well, like HTTP, once implemented in RDF.

Arrow of time is brought into the network using the Blockchain algorithm. Items can get into a Merkle tree that will be signed by a miner, roughly speaking.

The network will also function an RDF-speaking distributed storage, namely Kademlia DHT, letting hashes of items to be time-stamped in a mechanism which is up to the rules of those languages will be described later on.

If you want to know more about TAU CHAIN – please visit here:

Screenshot from 2015-02-17 04_31_35 (2)


Great things are happening with Omni

Point of contact for companies and organizations who want to issue a token

(Judith Jakubovics) Judith (-at-) Omni.Foundation and on Skype: Judith.Jakubovics

TAU-CHAIN – Programmable decentralized P2P network based on ontologies and reasoning

State of the Layer: All Hands – March 24 2015

Every Tuesday we have an internal All Hands meeting where developers and contributors on the project get together and provide updates on the previous week’s happenings and discuss the upcoming agenda. Most of what is happening has been behind the scenes recently, helping integrators and performing thorough testing, while new features and enhancements continue to be added to the platform. To keep the community informed of our progress and up to date here is the summary agenda from this weeks meeting.

  •  David
    1. A new Baby!!! Congratulations from the team!
  • Craig
    1. Synereo Crowdsale has begun!
    2. Moving Repos from mastercoin-MSC to OmniLayer
      1. cloning from Bitcoin
    3. Omni Product Roadmap (status needed for each)
      1. OP_RETURN/Class C transactions
      2. Bitcoin 0.10 Blockchain
      3. Additional/missing RPC calls
        1. including DEx II RPC
        2. multi-packet support
        3. raw TX support
      4. Desktop DEx II UI, 2nd version UI
      5. Omni Wallet UI refresh
      6. Factom Address Anchoring
      7. Futures and prediction market Spec work
  • Adam
    1. Omniwallet UI updates with Tomas
    2. Handling Email User support for omniwallet
    3. Working on github repo migration needs with team
  • Marv
    1. API Network – metering/billing/payment flow
  • Sean
    1. OmniJ transaction creation in process
    2. In Austin on Thursday – Tuesday
  • Zathras
    1. Work towards reapplying the UI to the new 0.0.10 branch progressing strongly – large task (since QT was changed a lot for the Bitcoin 0.10 release) and making good progress
  • Patrick
    1. Video in editing (new Omniwallet version w/ correct logo pref.)
    2. Recruiting extra help for futures
    3. HFT engine live, mapping Omni RPC
  • Tomás
    1. Got exchange to display in omni
    2. Sell and overview pages working
    3. Working on buy 80% done, needs some debugging
    4. Pending:
      1. My Offers
      2. Modals
      3. About Section
State of the Layer: All Hands – March 24 2015

Synereo – AMP-Attention Economy- Crowdsale is launching today March 23,2015

By Judith – BizDev at the Omni Foundation

Synereo crowdsale is launching today – March 23rd 2015, 8:00 PM GMT.

Synereo Evolution (CoinTelegraph)

The AMP token is a cryptocurrency deployed as a meta-coin on top of the bitcoin blockchain, using the Omni-Layer.

The value of the AMP token comes from its inherent use in the Synereo network, as a means for paying for user attention.

To understand more, please visit here:

The Synereo crowdsale is supervised by the Omni Foundation. The Omni Foundation has access to all transactional information, with their executives serving in the role of trustees for the AMP tokens. Synereo has no access to these funds without their approval.

Synereo is taking great care to secure and safeguard all funds for this crowdsale and beyond.

This document will detail the policies and mechanisms put in place for this purpose as well as for the AMPs issued and not yet distributed.AMPlogo PICTURE 2

AMP Wallets

The entire amount of issued AMPs, one billion (1,000,000,000), will be generated by Craig Sellars, Co-founder and CTO of Tether and Technologist for Omni.

Craig will act as trustee for all initial AMP transactions, under a multi-sig solution requiring his approval to be used, allocating them to different wallets. Craig will further act as a trustee and evaluator for some of these wallets, as described below. Craig will oversee AMP use and ascertain that it is done according to the following bylaws.

AMP wallet distribution

Wallets holding AMPs to be distributed will be published before the crowdsale begins and remain transparent to the public.

The following wallets will require Craig Sellar’s direct authorization as well as his participation in the creation of the transaction when AMPs are released from it:

1) Crowdsale Wallet. Upon the completion of the crowdsale, Craig will overview  the records and approve that AMPs are sent only, and in direct proportion to the funds submitted, to the participants in the sale.

2) Future Crowdsale Wallet. This wallet will be sealed until such a time that we announce another public offering or come into a formal agreement with an established investor to purchase AMPs.

3) User Reward Wallet. This wallet will be sealed until the Synereo platform goes live, at which point it will be used to compensate users who migrate to the network.

4) Content Creator Reward Wallet. This wallet will be sealed until the Synereo platform goes live, at which point content creators will be able to register for the reward program. AMPs will only be sent to the addresses made public by these content creators upon their registration.

AMPs will be divided to wallets with this distribution: 

  • 18.5% will be placed in the Crowdsale Wallet.
  • 10% will be placed in the User Reward Wallet, used to compensate users as they join the network and invite others, contributing to its growth.
  • 7.5% will be placed in the Content Creator Wallet, given to content creators who begin operating on the network.
  • 10% will be placed in the Founder Reward Wallet, awarded to the founders of Synereo, vested over a period of 30 months.
  • 11.5% will be placed in the Bounty Wallet, awarded to contributors and developers.
  • 42.5% will be placed in the Future Funding Wallet. We aim to have two more funding rounds, spaced 1-1.5 years “amapart, each providing the necessary funds for the next leg of the project’s development.

Staggered Distribution 

The User Reward Wallet and Content Creator Wallet may only distribute the allotted rewards in a staggered manner, over a period of six months. This assures that rewards will not be quickly liquidated, increasing the chances of them being used in the Synereo platform and contribute to the AMP economy.

Users with accounts that are eligible will receive their weekly allotment during this period.

The Founder Reward Wallet will also distribute funds over the longer period of time of 30 months, as also described in the Vesting clause of the Synereo Ltd. Founder Agreement. Each month, the founders will receive 1/30 of the AMPs allocated to them.

Generation of new AMPs

As part of the Proof of Social Contribution (PoSC) mechanism, up to 5% more AMPs will be generated each year (note that this is lower than the year after year growth in both user numbers and market value for social networks over the past 15 years). AMP generation will also depend on the approval of Craig, making certain that this cap isn’t crossed.

Unsold AMPs

If the cap is not reached in the upcoming crowdsale, unsold AMPs will return to the Future Funding Wallet, holding the AMPs kept for future crowdsales and investments. This wallet can only be accessed pending the review of Craig, who will have to ascertain that their use is as defined.

Multi-signature mechanism

All bitcoins received during the crowdsale will be kept in a multi-sig wallet, generated by Armory Lockbox on offline and/or air-gapped machines. Transactions cannot be generated unless 3 out of 5 keys are used to sign it.

This protects the funds received from any one point of failure, whether theft, the loss of a key, or the inability of one holder to access the wallet.

Three of the keys will be held by the Synereo founders.

One key will be held by Meni Rosenfeld, the Chairman of the Israeli Bitcoin Association, and one of the most trusted figures in the crypto community.

Another key will be held by another trusted third party, to be revealed shortly.

Review of contributions in fiat

Participants wishing to contribute in fiat may do so by sending a wire transfer to Synereo’s company bank account. All details will be available on the crowdsale page, at

We will periodically post the information of such received funds with the details of the contributors hidden. The Omni Foundation will receive read-only access to Synereo’s bank account, certifying that the wires reported have indeed been received.

Unique Bitfinex selling account
[in preparation]

Existing wallets:

  • Crowdsale Wallet (185000000 AMPs)
  • User Reward Wallet (100000000 AMPs)
  • Content Creator Wallet (75000000 AMPs)
  • Bounty Wallet (115000000 AMPs)
  • Future Funding Wallet (425000000 AMPs)


Welcome to learn more about Synereo and read the recently released whitepaper:info1

‪#‎bitcoin ‪#‎socialnetwork ‪#‎decentralize


Great things are happening with Omni

Point of contact for companies and organizations who want to issue a token

(Judith Jakubovics) Judith (-at-) Omni.Foundation and on Skype: Judith.Jakubovics



Synereo – AMP-Attention Economy- Crowdsale is launching today March 23,2015

Omni Development Roadmap

This has been a busy few months, with the team’s efforts dedicated to enhancements to the platform and assisting in Omni integrations with partners and other interesting projects.

The most recent release of Omni Wallet Desktop for Windows capped off a strong development cycle, adding Send-to-Owners capability and a QT user interface (for 64-bit Windows and Linux. Mac OS X build forthcoming).

Our forward looking roadmap, as discussed and agreed upon with the team during our most recent all-hands, is as follows:

1. Continue top priority of stability/reliability above all else.
2. The move to Class C (80-Byte OP_RETURN) for most transactions.
3. Bitcoin Core 0.10 headers-first blockchain compatibility
4. Technical debt (multi-packet transactions, useful RPC commands not yet implemented, etc.)
5. Decentralized Exchange phase II RPC (trade between Omni assets and MSC)
6. Decentralized Exchange phase II UI
7. redesign launch
8. Address anchoring for metadata
9. Futures market DEx extension
10. Spec and Documentation improvements

Leveraging Sean’s automated testing suites, the release was the most thoroughly tested yet. The team believes strongly that stability and reliability should remain our highest priority.

Zathras has completed a good portion of the Class C transaction work, and is currently refactoring the Class B code for the few cases where Class B transactions will be required (as they won’t fit into 80 bytes).

DexX has made substantial progress on a Bitcoin Core 0.10-based branch of Omni Core.

Technical debt includes the ability for Omni Core to broadcast multi-packet transactions, output raw transactions, include RPC commands for supported and active features such as dynamic asset issuance and the decentralized exchange, high-decimal precision improvements, etc.

Michael’s work on phase II of the decentralized exchange is mostly complete, and Marv and Sean are preparing the test plans as the matching engine logic is finalized.

Thanks to Adam, Tomás and Warren, will be getting its new skin (currently at, dramatically improving user experience.

Working with Paul Snow, the Omni Layer will gain an “address anchoring” method, used by Factom, for ensuring the validity of eligible “publishers” of data on the blockchain.

Patrick and Dave have been working on an innovative futures market extension to the decentralized exchange, allowing advanced market features for Omni assets.

Through all of this, the team is assisting with around two integrations per week, and meeting with 8-12 additional projects, each at various stages, all coordinated by Judith.

We invite the community to provide feedback, to contribute to the development of new features, and to keep innovating on the Omni Layer. The team continues to move the platform forward, with the assistance of some amazing integration partners helping to create the future of finance.

It keeps getting better, and I’m still humbled by the capacity and talent of this team.  Keep up the great work!


Omni Development Roadmap

Official Release: Omni Wallet Desktop for Windows

After months of development and testing, the Omni development team is proud to announce the first official release of Omni Wallet Desktop for Windows, based off of Omni Core build (which is in turn based off of Bitcoin Core 0.9.3).

Omni Wallet Desktop
Omni Wallet Desktop

As a first release, this is for more technical users (you need to edit a conf file) who wish to manage their Omni assets locally and provide feedback to the developers. Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:

Omni Wallet Desktop Overview
Overview Screen, showing all BTC and Omni assets available in the wallet.
Omni Wallet Desktop Balances Screen
Balances Screen
Omni Wallet Desktop Send Screen
Send Screen
Omni Wallet Desktop Transaction History Screen
Transaction History

The software also contains several utility panes, allowing the user to look up the assets on an address, or get detailed information about an asset on the Omni Layer.

Omni Wallet Desktop Address Lookup
Address Lookup
Omni Wallet Desktop Asset Detail (Property Lookup)
Asset Detail (Property Lookup)

This release comes after substantial progress on new protocol features, such as Send-to-Owners (proportional distribution) and the new Decentralized Exchange (so that users can exchange their Omni assets against one another without an intermediary).  Send-to-Owners was released as part of 0.0.9, and DEx Phase II will be released as part of Omni Core 0.0.10.

The Mac OS X build of Omni Wallet Desktop will be available soon.

More and more projects are deploying their projects and assets on the Bitcoin Omni Layer, and this release of Omni Wallet Desktop for Windows opens the platform to users who wish to transact locally with their MSC, MaidSafeCoin, API Networks coin, CryptoNext Coin, La’Zooz, Synereo, HOPE Gold Coin, Tethers, and more.

Keep watching this space, as more and more integrations, assets and innovations are coming, and they are coming at an increasingly rapid pace. I would like to thank the Omni development team for their outstanding progress and efforts – it is a pleasure working with such a talented and driven group of innovators.

Craig Sellars
Technologist, Omni

Official Release: Omni Wallet Desktop for Windows