State of the Layer: Apr 13 2018


Over the past few weeks we’ve seen an increase in community emails about where and how users can trade or sell some of the property tokens they hold. While traditional changes do sometimes offer a larger orderbook/market they may not always carry the property market you are looking or they may delisted the market you wanted to use. With this in mind we wanted to remind all users that the OmniDex is always available and allows you to post trades of one Omni Protocol token for any other Omni Protocol token. If there is a matching order on the book your trade is completed instantly, otherwise it’ll stay open until another user posts a matching trade. Check out the full getting started guide for additional information:

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Project Updates


The second round of updates and tweaks to the UI are now out. Addresses should be easier to copy and overall localizations should be a bit better. Updates to api data/calls to support additional data filtering is underway in preparation for the next release.


This past month we’ve rolled out some additional Property Management features within Omniwallet. First, Managed properties are now available in Omniwallet. Users now have the ability to create a Managed property as well as access to the Grant/Revoke utilities of these tokens. Additionally the Change Issuer functionality is also now available. These features are accessible from the My Assets page within your Omniwallet account.


State of the Layer: All Hands – Feb 13 2018

State of the Layer: Apr 13 2018