By Judith Jakubovics – BizDev at Omni Foundation

Dear Omnis,

The HOPE Gold Coin Charitable Trust announced  that the HOPE Gold Coin, a new asset-backed cryptographic currency supporting charities worldwide, has been listed on the following exchanges: C-CEX, MasterExchange and Holy Trancactions

HOPE Gold Coins are traded and supported by C-CEX, MasterExchange and Holy Transaction.

John Allen, Chairman of the HOPE Gold Coin Charitable Trust’s Protector Committee, states, “We’re excited about the growing interest in the HOPE Gold Coin and appreciate the C-CEX, MasterXchange and Holy Transactions for  listings as we build our liquidity in the digital market.”

The HOPE Gold Coin is based on the Omni Protocol, using Bitcoin 2.0 technology with smart features specifically developed to address stability, safety and security issues as well as provide ease of use.

Owners can keep their HOPE Gold Coins in the HOPE Wallet, which can hold multiple cryptographic currencies including Bitcoin. Based on the OmniWallet, the HOPE Wallet combines security, usability and multi-currency support. 

Proceeds from sale of the HOPE Gold Coin will help fund large-scale charitable initiatives around the world.  Owners can support charitable activities by simply purchasing HOPE Gold Coins as well as by donating those coins directly to multiply the effect.

HOPE_Logo1_4 (1)

Great things are happening with Omni

Point of contact for companies and organizations who want to issue a token

(Judith Jakubovics) Judith (-at-) Omni.Foundation and on Skype: Judith.Jakubovics


2015 Mastercoin Foundation board elections

Dear friends,

GoatAs we begin the Lunar New Year and move further along the “Great Transition”, I just want to make us aware that the Mastercoin Foundation is holding our first board elections on March 5, 2015. While sponsors now drive feature development through the recently incorporated Omni Foundation in Switzerland, the Mastercoin Foundation bears custody of the Exodus fund and its disbursement of the 21,459+ dev omnis (this portion was initially deemed development Mastercoins), in addition to another 60,000 omnis in employee options J.R. just donated to this development pool, towards the omni platform’s most lucratively fruitful interests.

Anyone who might feel they’d represent the omni tokens and participate in the development of the community’s best interests please do so by submitting your intentions to run by March 1st, to lend time for any preparations (say, a candidate wishing to rally support online with a Reddit AMA, etc.) and extenuating circumstances before the start of the election.

A tentative procedure  : 

  1. Confirm intentions to run via this Google Form by 3/1/2015.
  2. We then compile the list of candidates and assign each candidate a Bitcoin/Omni address, to all be posted on the blog and fora by 3/5/2015.
  3. Voters then will send a BTC dust transaction from an Omni-holding address to a candidate(s) address(es)*.
  4. Votes will be tallied on 3/20/2015 at 12:00AM EST and the top five candidates with the most votes will be announced in the morning, who will then be free to choose whether or not they accept to serve the term. 

* To vote for multiple candidates, one will have to split an address into separate, respective addresses. Please note that when voting for a candidate, only the amount of omnis held in an address on 3/20/2015 will be counted, meaning if you vote for a candidate early on, you are able to change your vote by moving the omnis to a new address and sending a dust transaction from there. 

While one day these election functions can be programmed, I would imagine that in terms of the software’s priorities at this point in time, this would sadly broach upon scope creep. In the mean time, keep your eyes open for surprises!

Best wishes,

Antony, board member

2015 Mastercoin Foundation board elections