State of the Layer: January 9 2019


There have been a growing number of reports of users being scammed because they have been purchasing previously created wallets and don’t actually have control of the funds within those wallets. This is a very important reminder to never purchase a wallet or an address from anyone. If you did not create the wallet or the addresses within it, you can not confirm the security of anything given to you. Always insist that any transfers are sent directly to an address you created and you alone control.

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Project Updates

OmniExplorer & OmniAPI

With the new year we have a significant update to our explorer which aims to improve reliability and performance of the platform. We have also simplified the ability to view transactions by presenting them on a per block basis now and moving unconfirmed transactions to a dedicated view. There are several other fixes and tweaks behind the scene for consistency. Updates to the api documentation will be following in the next few weeks.


Cleaned up Wallet Address display to present Spendable and Watch Only Addresses in a more clear fashion. Researching Hardware wallet support.

Omni Core

Planning for the next release. RPC Edge case fix added to develop branch.


We will be moving to a new Trello based roadmap over the next few weeks and once complete we will be opening it up for general review/monitor by the public

State of the Layer: All Hands – Nov 30 2018

State of the Layer: January 9 2019